WE’ve got answers.

  1. Who or what is UNITED?

    A gathering of young adults and IUP students in Indiana, Pennsylvania who want to connect with God and be a part of what He is doing in our community and around the world. We believe that knowing God and being known by others is the most important thing we could do in our lifetime, and will illuminate who we REALLY are. We believe that we, as the Church, are the hope of the world. We have tasted and seen that the Lord is good and better than anything else we've known. We aim to see eighteen to thirty-somethings belong to a Christ-centered community, know and experience the love of God, and step into their God-given purpose. Come and see. We'd love to meet you!


    Not really. We are just a group of young people trying to pursue God, grow in community, learn more about who Jesus is, figure out life, and have a great time doing so!

  3. When and where do you meet?

    Our large group gatherings, or UNITES, are every FOURTH SUNDAY DURING THE IUP SCHOOL YEAR at 6:27 PM at 2707 WEST PIKE RD. INDIANA, PA. We also meet in various groups throughout the week, and at our local churches for services throughout the weekend. Since UNITED isn’t a church, we suggest that you get plugged into one and treat UNITED as a supplement that enhances your relationship with God and exists to address what is unique to your specific age bracket/questions/stage of life.

  4. How do I get more involved?

    First, regularly attend and be involved in one of the local churches in town (a list of which you can find here). Secondly, fill out our volunteer application if you’d like to serve on one of UNITED’s teams (click here to view & fill out your application). Lastly, JOIN THE CREW! We are always looking for passionate people to help carry the Good News of Jesus (in every way possible) into the night.

still have questions?

Fill out the form and ask away.